Post NEWS Archive

Historical news items from Post 38.

WV Department Took 1st Place in State Pins Competition

WV Department took first place in the State Pins competition at the 75th National AMVETS Convention.  Mike Barrett accepted the award for the Department – he is the Department Commander.  

West Virginia was well represented at the National Convention

Three representatives were at the National Convention in Louisville, KY this year.  The State Commander (Mike Barrett) and the NEC (Ed Stracka) represented the State and the Post 38 First Vice (Ron Everhart) represented the Post.

American Veterans (AMVETS) Podcasts

On the latest AVP, AMVETS National Commander Jan Brown talks with us about adjusting to her new role, that state of the organization, her Commander’s Project for the year, & more.

Link to Podcast

Post 38 Took 2nd Place in Website Competition

Post 38 took second place in the website competition at the 75th National AMVETS Convention.  Ed Stracka accepted the award for the Post – he is the Post Webmaster and designed the current Post website.  The award will be posted in the canteen entrance.

AMVETS Elects 1st Female National Commander

August 24, 2019.  AMVETS held elections for National Officers and Jan Brown (OH) was elected as the 2019-2020 National Commander.  The other positions were:

National Commander
Jan Brown (OH)

National First Vice Commander
Gregory Heun (KY)

National Second Vice Commander
Donald McLean

National Third Vice Commander
Bill Clark (NC)

National Judge Advocate
James B. King

National Deputy Judge Advocate
Barry Remington (IA)

National Finance Officer
Donald Stream (MO)

National Provost Marshal
Arthur L. Majors (OH)

National Chaplain
Gary Sallade (OH)

President Trump Signs Executive Memorandum On Stage At AMVETS 75th Convention

President Donald Trump signed a memo to automatically discharge federal student loan debt for permanently and totally disabled veterans during his visit to Louisville Wednesday, where he addressed more than 1,000 veterans.

“I have taken executive action to make sure our wounded warriors are not saddled with mountains of student debt,” Trump told a crowd the Galt House, vowing to eliminate “every penny” of an average of $30,000 of student loan debt for about 25,000 disabled veterans.

Such veterans were already entitled to such debt forgiveness by law. But about half of the roughly 50,000 disabled veterans who are qualified to have their federal student loan debt forgiven have not received the benefit because of an application process that has proven burdensome, the administration said.

The memo directs the government to develop an “expedited” process, which the Department of Education said would mean loans are forgiven unless veterans opt out.

See the video and text HERE

The announcement was presented live from Harley Davidson DC – see it HERE


AMVETS to Host Major Pro-Veterans Demonstration "Rolling to Remember"

WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 20, 2019) – For the 33rd consecutive year, a massive motorcycle run will take place in the nation’s capital over Memorial Day Weekend to raise awareness of the plight of U.S. prisoners of war and the 82,000 service members still missing in action. The 2020 ride will also address the national suicide epidemic taking the lives of more than 20 military veterans a day.

After the organization that ran the first 32 demonstrations announced it would no longer hold this vital event, AMVETS announced today that it pledges to continue the tradition. AMVETS held a press conference today, detailing plans for the 2020 demonstration ride, including a new name and an expanded mission.

At the press conference, intentionally coinciding with National POW-MIA Recognition Day and National Suicide Prevention Month, AMVETS leaders annouced they will call the 2020 event the “Rolling to Remember” Demonstration Run.

In addition to demanding accountability from the government for service members missing in action, AMVETS announced the 2020 demonstration will also focus on the veterans suicide epidemic.

“There is another group of veterans and service members who are also prisoners — of a different type of war — and who also become missing in action. These men and women are fighting a war within themselves, battling to find peace and escape from pain, guilt, depression, addiction, isolation, a lost identity, family problems, and torment as a result of trauma, in an effort to triumph over the deceptively alluring escape that suicide offers,” said AMVETS Chief Advoaccy Officer Sherman Gillums Jr.

In close partnership with several other patriotic organizations, AMVETS is organizing what is expected to be the nation’s largest political demonstration of 2020 and the world’s largest one-day motorcycle event.

Three days of meaningful events in Washington, culminating with the motorcycle ride May 24, will be specifically focused on raising awareness of the issues impacting our warriors, their families and their survivors.

Events are scheduled to begin May 22. A stage will be active on the steps of the famed Lincoln Memorial from early Friday afternoon through Sunday, featuring personal accounts of these issues, notable speakers, Gold Star families and entertainment. The message will be clear throughout: we will never forget our POWs and MIAs, and we won’t stop fighting for real solutions to the suicide crisis.

“This will not be a party. It is a serious demonstration to bring awareness and accountability for POWs and MIAs left behind and suicide prevention,” AMVETS National Executive Director Joe Chenelly said. “Millions of motorcycle-riding patriots from all walks of life, from every corner of the United States, and even from other countries, have spent their Memorial Day weekends for the past three-plus decades in our nation’s capital because they want to make a real difference. This event will ensure those who take part are making a difference.”

Other associated events will include a special “Blessing of the Bikes” ceremony at the Washington National Cathedral and a nighttime vigil at the National Vietnam Veterans Memorial May 22.

“We project participation in the three-day event, including many who will not be on motorcycles, to exceed a million American voters,” said AMVETS National Commander Jan Brown. “We expect the number of motorcycles taking part to be in the hundreds of thousands coming in from all over the United States and even other countries.”

Through funding provided by AMVETS, as well as donations and sponsorships, the ride and all associated events will be free for participants. All is open to the public and everyone interested in supporting our service members, veterans, and their families is invited.

“This collaborative effort will ensure these patriots are able to make a meaningful impact on veterans advocacy, have a dedicated route on which to ride together, safe places to park at the National Mall and to continue a renowned tradition, reviving awareness for prisoners of war and those missing in action, as well as the national veteran suicide crisis, where an average of 22 veterans take their lives daily,” Brown said.

Commander Brown also mentioned Friday that AMVETS will publish an up-to-date list showing which lawmakers are displaying the POW-MIA flag outside their offices on Capitol Hill. AMVETS expects the list to be finalized and available at by this Veterans Day.

“The number of offices displaying the POW-MIA flag has dropped from nearly all to just about half over the past 10 years,” said Brown. “That’s unacceptable. Perhaps they didn’t realize how meaningful and purposeful it is to display that flag. I hope that by the time ‘Rolling To Remember’ is upon us, 100 percent of the offices will have it up, properly.”

AMVETS is crowdsourcing the inaugural patch design, inviting those who would like to submit designs to The winning design will be announced on Veterans Day 2019. All guidelines for the logo can be found at
and all submissions can be sent to

AMVETS is the nation’s largest and oldest Congressionally-chartered veterans service organization that is open to and fights for all veterans who served honorably, including reservists & guardsmen. AMVETS has been a nonpartisan advocate for veterans and their families for more than 70 years.


AMVETS National Commander Jan Brown’s project is to Save a Warrior!

Save A Warrior (SAW) is committed to ending the staggering suicide rate plaguing our veterans, active-duty military and first responders. They conceive, originate and invent Integrated Intensive Retreat (IIR) experiences to transform the way our heroes live their lives.

The SAW staff of wounded healers guide veterans, active-duty military, and first responders suffering from post-traumatic stress (PTS) through a thoughtfully curated curriculum of healing. This unique experiential learning model is free to the warrior and consists of: Warrior Meditation; the Five Pillars of Servant Leadership: service, study, contribution, acknowledgement, and affirmation; equine-supported learning; the processing of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs); PTS education, team building events; and challenging high ropes courses. Throughout the Integrated Intensive Retreat, SAW helps the warriors ignite a fire within themselves and illuminates their path leading to a lifelong journey of healing.

Check out Commander Brown’s Project by visiting


AMVETS Posts throughout West Virginia and the entire AMVETS Family are closed!

Following West Virginia’s Govenor Justice’s statements following the discovery of the first confirmed victim of the coronavirus (COVID 19), Commander Hutton and the Executive Committee closed Post 38 and cancelled all upcoming events.  This information and a statement from National Commander Jan Brown is HERE and on the Post Facebook page HERE.  

We will not attempt to provide information on the coronavirus (it is all over the news, TV, radio and social media), what we will do is provide information useful to Post members, such as:

  • Members holding tickets for the cancelled Oyster Feed can get refunds on Sunday, March 22 from 1 to 4 PM at the Post.  Commander Hutton or Post Officers will be there to provide refunds.  If you are not able to do so, refunds will be made additionally when the Post reopens.
  • Members with holders from tip jars will have the opportunity to redeem their holders, if they are winners, after the Post reopens.  The 30 day window for holders stopped when the Post closed and will resume after the Post reopens.
If you have any questions not answered here or on the Facebook page, please ask it by going to the CONTACT page or the Facebook page.  Questions are usually answered in a day.
Check back periodically to keep informed on what is happening at Post 38 and the AMVETS community.

Stonebrook Visits Post 38

Each year the residents of Stonebrook, Inc. are hosted at Post 38 for fun and activities.  Stonebrook is a group home for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  This is one of the Post’s favorite and most popular activities.  We try to have two or three activities such as summer activities, Easter, Thanksgiving and Holiday activities.  Here are some photos of past occasions.

Post 38 Dedication

The Club held a Ceremony dedicating the Main Building to H. Kenny Cushwa Sr.  The dedication was held at 1:00 PM prior to the AYCE Chicken Feed on May 16, 2016.  Commander Ed Stracka officiated. The dedication sign was designed and procured by 1stVice Ron Gardner.

For more details go to: and search for amvets dedication.


Post Renovation



AMVETS Posts throughout West Virginia and the entire AMVETS Family are closed!

Following West Virginia’s Govenor Justice’s statements following the discovery of the first confirmed victim of the coronavirus (COVID 19), Commander Hutton and the Executive Committee closed Post 38 and cancelled all upcoming events.  This information and a statement from National Commander Jan Brown is HERE and on the Post Facebook page HERE.  

We will not attempt to provide information on the coronavirus (it is all over the news, TV, radio and social media), what we will do is provide information useful to Post members, such as:

  • Members holding tickets for the cancelled Oyster Feed can get refunds on Sunday, March 22 from 1 to 4 PM at the Post.  Commander Hutton or Post Officers will be there to provide refunds.  If you are not able to do so, refunds will be made additionally when the Post reopens.
  • Members with holders from tip jars will have the opportunity to redeem their holders, if they are winners, after the Post reopens.  The 30 day window for holders stopped when the Post closed and will resume after the Post reopens.
If you have any questions not answered here or on the Facebook page, please ask it by going to the CONTACT page or the Facebook page.  Questions are usually answered in a day.
Check back periodically to keep informed on what is happening at Post 38 and the AMVETS community.