
our projects

come with Post 38 on an adventure

training for veterans

Post 38 has partnered with Novation Enterprises to provide training to veterans at the Post.  Find out more about Novation at: https://novationenterprises.com

Novation is partnered with Dish Networks and they have installed equipment at the Post in December 2018 that will be used to conduct the training at the Post.   As Novation puts it, they speak veteran (veteran owned and staffed), they speak technology, and they teach veterans to speak technology.  In addition to this, the CEO (Kelly Dunne) is a member of Post 38.

PROJECT UPDATE (SEP-2019) We have heard from Kelly Dunne, he said “we are finished with the build and now we are working with DOL and Texas A&M/TEEX for a $6M grant to roll out a national veterans training apprenticeship program. The grant is due on Sept. 24th and we have your Post as one of the first 50 to be deployed.”

PROJECT UPDATE (FEB-2020) We have heard from Kelly Dunne, he said:  “Hi Ed – we are hoping to hear back on the $7M grant at the end of this month. We have you guys listed as our WV/VA training center.  We also we would like to have you as one of the test sites for our VetGo Platform.”

This video contains some good information on the Novation project Post 38 has embarked upon.

Thanksgiving and Christmas Family Support Project

Our Post is a collective of amazing people striving to improve the Post for its Members.

Each year, the Ladies Auxiliary, in conjunction with the local schools, selects five or six families whose holidays need some assistance.  

For Thanksgiving they provide everything, from turkeys to stuffing and all the accessories to the families so they can enjoy the holiday with a traditional meal.

For Christmas they partner with Toys for Tots along with all the shopping necessary to provide five or six families with everything, including a holiday meal with all the trimmings, they need to enjoy the holiday.

Kudo to the Ladies for this worthwhile project!

Patio, Deck, Smoking Shelter Project (UPDATED)

Our Post is a collective of amazing people striving to improve the Post for its Members.

Most of you are aware that the Health Department condemned our shelter for the smokers of the Post.  We were able to sell the shed and we saved the funds for a future project to improve the patio and deck area for general use and to provide a shelter for the smoking members of the Post.

Phase I of the project has been completed – the removal of trees (many of which were compromised and provided an unsafe environment in the patio area – Kudos to Scott Everhart for the sale of the shed and to him and Donnie Hughes for tree removal).

Phase II is underway with the planning for an extension of the concrete and plumbing for the planned fireplace and two umbrella propane heaters for use in the cold months.  The concrete will include fasteners for the planned mini pavilion (with one wall) to meet the Health Department requirements.   In addition to the propane heat, the plans include overhead radiant heat.

Donnie Hughes has taken ownership of this project.  Come back often to follow this project as it moves forward.

UPDATE:  The construction phase of the project is now underway, see it HERE.

Pavilion Road Project

Our Post is a collective of amazing people striving to improve the Post for its Members.

Those of you who went to the Crab Feed in August already know about this project.  The Sons took the old, washed out driveway between the pavilions and covered it with ground up asphalt tailings, then rolled it flat.

Now it is rut free, and smooth to make walking around the pavilions easy.  It also improved the access to the boat ramp.

Kudos to the Sons for this useful and long overdue improvement!


POST Signage Project

Our Post is a collective of amazing people striving to improve the Post for its Members.

Some of the storms we have had over the past few months have been damaging.  One of the victims of these storms was the Post Sign on Vineyard Road.  The first time it was damaged John Sprinkle made some repairs, but the wood was so deteriorated that it was only a matter of time before more repairs would be needed.

Ron Everhart took the initiative to volunteer to upgrade the sign on Vineyard Road and to create a sign for the Post Canteen that identified it as ‘Post 38’ and hung it on the building.  The new signs are shown below.

John Sprinkle and Donnie Hughes assisted Ron to get the new sign mounted.  Lights have been purchased for the sign.  Come back often to see the progress of this project.  Kudos to John, Donnie and Ron for their efforts to keep our Post identified.  UPDATE:  Oct’19 – bright solar LED lights have been installed!

Conference Room / Training Room Project

Our Post is a collective of amazing people striving to improve the Post for its Members.

Those of you who have been in the Post recently already know about this project.  The Sons took the old, worn out and stained carpet out and replaced it with new, shiny wood flooring.

This project coincides with the training to be provided by Novation – see the update above under Training for Veterans.

This project was done by John Sprinkle and Chuck Miller and assisted by Donnie Hughes.

Kudos to the Sons for this useful and long overdue improvement!